y separately published work icon The Hammer of Thor single work   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 1965... 1965 The Hammer of Thor
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All Publication Details

Alternative title: Tors hammare
Language: Swedish
    • Copenhagen,
      Scandinavia, Western Europe, Europe,
      Wennerberg ,
      1966 .
      Extent: 126p.
Alternative title: Al Wheeler Dye nymphe Eva: Kriminalroman
Language: German
Alternative title: Thors hammer
Language: Danish
    • c
      Scandinavia, Western Europe, Europe,
      Winther ,
      1966 .
      person or book cover
      Extent: 126p.
      Series: Carter Brown series - publisher Number in series: 67
Alternative title: Le Marteau de Thor
Language: French
    • Paris,
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Gallimard ,
      1966 .
      book cover
      Extent: 255p.
      Series: y separately published work icon Serie noire Gallimard (publisher), Paris : Gallimard , Z1570939 series - publisher novel crime Number in series: 1047
Alternative title: Valkyrien
Language: Norwegian
Alternative title: El martillo de Thor
Language: Spanish
    • c
      Central America, Americas,
      Diana ,
      1967 .
      person or book cover
      Extent: 191p.
      Series: Coleccion Caiman Diana (publisher), series - publisher novel Number in series: 414
Alternative title: Salamat sinkoilevat
Language: Finnish
Alternative title: Raijin
Alternative title: 雷神
Language: Japanese
Alternative title: Molot Tora
Language: Russian
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