Deltora Quest follows the adventures Lief, Barda and Jasmine as they journey across the fictitious land of Deltora, endeavoring to recover the magical belt of Deltora and defeat allies of the evil Shadow Lord.
'The evil Shadow Lord has taken over the kingdom … and only three people can save it. Lief, Jasmine and Barda have nothing in common—and everything to lose. They must embark on a perilous quest to recapture the seven lost gems of the magic Belt of Deltora. Only when the Belt is complete once more can the evil Shadow Lord be overthrown and the people of Deltora be free from tyranny'.
Source: DVD back-cover blurb (Madman Entertainment/Cartoon Network).
The first of the three-part Deltora Quest series.
The collective Deltora Quest series (nos. [1]-3) was selected by the Australian public as Australia's 30th favourite book; the poll was conducted in December 2004 by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
'When the evil Shadow Lord plots to invade Deltora and enslave its people all that stands between him and victory is the magic Belt of Deltora which holds seven gems of great and mysterious power. When the gems are stolen it appears that Deltora is lost and the Shadow Lord will triumph. However, two unlikely companions set out on a perilous quest to find the gems and bring them back so that the rightful ruler can regain the throne. Together they enter the sinister Forests of Silence and there the mystery begins.' (Source: Back cover)
'Lief, Barda and Jasmine are on a perilous quest to find the seven lost gems of the magic Belt of Deltora. Only when all the gems have been restored to the Belt can Deltora be freed from the tyranny of the evil Shadow Lord. Four gems have been found. Now, though grave news reaches Lief from home and he longs to return, the quest must continue. To find the fifth stone the travellers must venture almost to the border of the Shadowlands and plunge into the darkness and terror of the realm of the monstrous toad Gellik.' (Publisher's blurb)
'In a vast maze of dripping limestone caves under the sea, our heroes must face the Guardian. At stake is the purple amethyst, symbol of truth. As Lief, Jasmine and Barda travel on the problems increase as their quest to find the missing gems from the magic belt of Deltora nears completion.' (Publisher's blurb)
'Writing in 2012, Edward James comments that ‘one of the most unexpected developments of the last decade has been the domination of the popular fantasy genre by Australian women (and some Australian men)’ (76; see Wilkins 265). This trend has continued in the years since, with authors such as Emily Rodda, Kate Forsyth, Isobelle Carmody, Jessica Townsend, Garth Nix, John Flanagan, Michael Pryor and Jay Kristoff finding success in Australia and internationally. There is, however, very little distinctively ‘Australian’ about fantasy series by these writers, which largely conform to conventions of the genre that prevail internationally. Unlike Australian literary fiction, which values ‘complex’, original books that celebrate distinctive Australian features (Wilkins 267-9), genres such as fantasy value familiarity and commercial viability (Gelder 13-17, 26-7, 41). James argues that many Australian writers ‘have only been a success because they have been able to market their books to publishers in the UK and USA’ (76). Often, the global outlook of Australian genre fiction writers means publishers do not emphasise the Australian identity of these writers, and their books do not include extrinsically Australian features. In the highly commercial genre fiction industry, failure to adhere to the strict, if evolving, conventions that govern book production in a narrative and professional sense can mean that a writer does not get published, or at the least, does not achieve success in the global market.' (Introduction)
'Her beloved characters explore mysterious worlds and solve challenging riddles — and it turns out Australian children's author Emily Rodda is something of a riddle herself.' (Introduction)
'Jennifer Byrne presents this special on the Fantasy, joining her are Jennifer Rowe, Fiona McIntosh, Lev Grossman and Matthew Reilly.'
Source: Publisher's blurb.