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Dedication: To Mrs. Henry Day, of 'Rockton' Brisbane, in remembrance of many pleasant days spent in Queensland, I inscribe this collection of 'bush' stories, so many of which are of her colony, or written by 'native-born' Australians.
Also includes the short story, 'Broken Billy : A Tale of the Ruawera Rock', by H. B. Marriott Watson (set in New Zealand), pp. 23-51.
* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe,Europe,:Trischler,1890 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Account by a newspaper editor of his publication of bushranger Frank Gardiner's letters in his paper, and his personal interview with Gardiner where he was presented with a watch in thanks. Strong air of reminiscence; includes summary of Gardiner's fate.