y separately published work icon The Painter of Icons selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1993... 1993 The Painter of Icons
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* Contents derived from the Bowen Hills, Fortitude Valley - New Farm area, Brisbane - North East, Brisbane, Queensland,:Boolarong Press , 1993 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Nomad Hospitalityi"Welcome to our yurt, O pilgrim", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 1-2)
Mongolian Lullabyi"Nod to sleep, my pony baby", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 3-4)
Nomad Songsi"I read the sky at dawn", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 5-6)
The Cult of Heaven : Reindeer Shamaness Paws Her Oathi"I swear upon my tent", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 7)
The Cult of Heaven, Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 7-10)
The Cult of Heaven : The Tribe's Replyi"Dog People grow stunted on yellow dust", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 8)
The Cult of Heaven : Reindeer Shamaness Bristles Oathsi"I swear upon my tent and yours", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 9)
The Cult of Heaven : The Furies' Chorusi"And our vengeance won't be meek,", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 10)
Ivan's Lament (after Borodin's Night on Bald Mountain)i"Call the witches.", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 11-13)
The Monastery of the Caves : Mortificationi"Kyrie Eleison on my hands,", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 14)
The Monastery of the Caves, Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 14-16)
The Monastery of the Caves : The Sighi"My hole waits sixty years", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 15)
The Monastery of the Caves : The Pilgrim's Questi"There's no better monastery than Kiev's!", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 16)
Women, Lechers and Disbelieversi"Fasting behooves the painter of icons,", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 17-18)
The Painter of Iconsi"I will never die painting icons", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 19-20)
Gnomes and Elvesi"Dim light of faulty memory", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 21)
The Oriental Bedroomi"TWO are the horns of urus, not cows'", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 22)
Bear Hugi"The widow from Minsk", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 23)
St. Nicholas of the Oysteri"Old Nick, the fisherman, hooked a man", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 24)
The Russian Tutor (for Jena)i"Wheels of disaster grind relentlessly", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 25)