y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... vol. 43 no. 9 September 1999 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
'Our Man K' and Australian Literary Culture, A. P. Riemer , single work criticism (p. 11-14)
Horsemeni"The serious, iconic faces", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 20)
The Heart is Like a Lazy Lizardi"The heart is like a lazy lizard", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 20)
Bruisesi"A teenage boy skates across the frosty bitumen", Andy Kissane , single work poetry (p. 33)
A Priest Retiresi"This is the final calling -- frail, alone", Jeff Guess , single work poetry (p. 33)
Imported Applesi"They are airfreighted in from the Pacific's colder edges,", Jemal Sharah , single work poetry (p. 46)
Poetry and Swimmingi"Of all the random human loves", Geoff Page , single work poetry (p. 46)
A Wealth of Sky : In Lightning Ridgei"In this roomy bowl", Kathielyn Job , single work poetry (p. 46)
Former Loversi"Bumping into each other after years,", Peter Kocan , single work poetry (p. 54)
A Book of Hoursi"Frangipani dawn.", Jemal Sharah , single work poetry (p. 54)
Working with Black and White, Sonia Mycak , single work biography (p. 55-61)
The Dryi"This drought re-visits blocks", John K. Murphy , single work poetry (p. 62)
Mist Closes in the Farmi"Sleeping now, those I love,", Russell Erwin , single work poetry (p. 69)
Pelicans, Night Fishingi"I came upon them suddenly, on a bend of the Cooks River", Andy Kissane , single work poetry (p. 72)
The Letteri"He strings his words like twine", John K. Murphy , single work poetry (p. 72)