y separately published work icon Meanjin Quarterly periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1964... vol. 23 no. 2 June 1964 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin Quarterly
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* Contents derived from the , 1964 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Comic Vision of "Such is Life", Brian Kiernan , single work criticism
Kiernan expands some of the points made in his earlier essay, "Society and Nature in Such is Life", arguing that Tom Collins' responses to life are more important to the organic unity of the work than the concealed plots. Because this response is comic, Tom Collins' resilience is that of the clown.
(p. 132-141)
The Christian Philosophy of Joseph Furphy, Clive Hamer , single work criticism (p. 142-153)
Achievement, Bary Dowling , single work short story (p. 154-161)
Tantalusi"Doomed always to commute desire and deed:", Thomas Riddell , single work poetry (p. 161)
Chansons Populaires : Ii"Hey Jack, give the grog and the women a rest.", David Campbell , single work poetry (p. 162)
Chansons Populaires : IIi"Change your love with your comb if you'd live a quiet life.", David Campbell , single work poetry (p. 162)
Once a Byzantine Capitali"The sea has gone, and the Venetian citadel;", Keith Free , single work poetry (p. 163)
Chansons Populaires : IIIi"I'm kissing with Jane in the little-girls'-room", David Campbell , single work poetry (p. 163)
Please Explaini"Lord, save me from the virtuous", J. M. Couper , single work poetry (p. 164)
The Turning Earthi"Edging the curve of a fingernail,", Alexander Craig , single work poetry (p. 165)
Love's Fool Paradise, A. C. Cawley , single work criticism (p. 179-185)
The Newsi"Bells killed truth for my mother,", Norman Talbot , single work poetry (p. 186)
Nine Tailors, Norman Talbot , sequence poetry (p. 186-187)
The Bellsi"In the belfry you are told who is dead", Norman Talbot , single work poetry (p. 187)
The Echoesi"We needed a spring that part of the year,", Norman Talbot , single work poetry (p. 187)
South-West of the U.S.A., J. W. Davidson , single work review
— Review of The Southwest Pacific to 1900, a Modern History : Australia, New Zealand, The Islands and Antarctica C. Hartley Grattan , 1963 single work criticism ;
(p. 204-209)
The Confessions of an Artful English Immigrant, Bernard Hesling , single work review
— Review of The Dinkumization and Depommification of an Artful English Immigrant Bernard Hesling , 1963 single work autobiography ;
(p. 209-213)
Two Ways of Writing a Novel, Harry Payne Heseltine , single work review
— Review of Summer Peter Cowan , 1964 single work novel ; My Brother Jack : A Novel George Johnston , 1964 single work novel ;
(p. 220-221)
Censorship and Cant, C. B. Christesen , single work criticism (p. 223-224)