y separately published work icon Australian Literary Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: ALS
Issue Details: First known date: 1975... vol. 7 no. 1 May 1975 of Australian Literary Studies est. 1963 Australian Literary Studies
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* Contents derived from the , 1975 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Marcus Clarke and the Theatre, Eric Irvin , single work criticism (p. 3-14)
An Interview with Carter Brown, Stephen Knight (interviewer), single work interview (p. 15-23)
Grant Watson and the Aborigine : A Tragic Voice in an Age of Optimism, J. J. Healy , single work criticism (p. 24-38)
Australian Bards and British Reviewers, Alrene Sykes , single work criticism (p. 39-49)
Barry Oakley and the Satiric Mode, Betty L. Watson , single work criticism (p. 50-63)
Art Builds on Art : Rosemary Dobson and Thea Proctor, Robyn S. Heales , single work criticism

Examines the way in which paintings have affected Dobson's work, and focuses on Dobson's "habit of juxtaposing what one might call human reality with an aesthetic reality which is created out of the description of a painting" (65). Compares Dobson's poetry with Thea Proctor's artistic technique.

(p. 64-71)
Annual Bibliography of Studies in Australian Literature : 1974, Carol Hetherington , Marianne Ehrhardt , S. J. Routh , single work bibliography (p. 72-94)
Price Warung : Some Corrections and Additions, Barry Geoffrey Andrews , single work bibliography (p. 95-98)
Untitled, Chris Tiffin , single work review
— Review of Robert D. FitzGerald A. Grove Day , 1974 single work criticism ;
(p. 99-101)
Untitled, Leon Cantrell , single work review
— Review of Criticism Brian Kiernan , 1974 single work criticism ; Patrick White Alan Lawson , 1974 single work bibliography ;
(p. 101-104)
[Review] Patrick White as Playwright, John F. Burrows , single work review
— Review of Patrick White as Playwright J. R. Dyce , 1974 single work criticism ;
(p. 105-107)
[Review] Australian Cultural Elites : Intellectual Traditions in Sydney and Melbourne, John Colmer , single work review
— Review of Australian Cultural Elites : Intellectual Traditions in Sydney and Melbourne John Docker , 1974 single work criticism ; The Australian Experience : Critical Essays on Australian Novels 1974 anthology criticism ;
(p. 107-111)