y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1922... vol. 43 no. 2236 21 December 1922 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1922 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Wistariai"When China, to a sound of tinkling jade,", David McKee Wright , single work poetry (p. 7)
The Ghostly Companyi"I have lived overmuch with shining dreams,", Pam , single work poetry (p. 7)
The Love-Soul of the Southi"The Love-Soul of the South is a fascinating maid", Niya Becke , single work poetry (p. 7)
Child Deathi"A laugh has gone: and an emptiness is in our hearts,", Hamer , single work poetry (p. 7)
After Midnight : North Headi"The little boat is rocked upon Great Ocean's bosom.", Frank Morton , single work poetry (p. 7)
The Unknowni"You see you couldn't "draw" us anyhow,", T. the R. , single work poetry (p. 13)
Thunder! Thunder!i"Hark, while the lightning grins and glares,", Syd C. , single work poetry (p. 17)
Ballade of Sudden Deathi"Now looms the dark and direful day,", J. B. Higginson , single work poetry (p. 19)
What Happened to Browni"Brown was a very moral man,", Josephus Harris , single work poetry (p. 20)
Calendarsi"When January crossed the floor", W. H. O. , single work poetry humour (p. 22)
Cairnsi"Wharves sick with Eastern stuffs and lazy scents", Zora Cross , single work poetry (p. 24)
Hebrew Melodyi"Dull the broken timbrel rings,", Ganesha , single work poetry (p. 31)
The Danceri"The dancers flock like homing doves,", E. D. , single work poetry (p. 36)
The Power of the Pressi"In times of stringency and stress,", Monty Peet , single work poetry (p. 42)
The Strange Case of Edward Sibblethwaite, Frank Middlemiss , single work short story (p. 47-48)