y separately published work icon Hecate periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Alternative title: Hecate : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Women's Liberation
Issue Details: First known date: 1979... vol. 5 no. 2 1979 of Hecate est. 1975 Hecate
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* Contents derived from the , 1979 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A New Look at Pioneer Women, Judith Godden , single work criticism (p. 7-21)
Australian Feminist Periodicals in the Seventies, Jane Sunderland , single work criticism (p. 22-30)
Three Daughters, Eileen Haley , single work short story (p. 34-46)
Note: Part two.
A Shelter That Didn't Worki"We planned the house", Eileen Haley , single work poetry (p. 56-57)
Birdiei"placed in a shoebox (lined with cotton wool)", Donna Maegraith , single work poetry (p. 58)
Lake Hubbard-Dallasi"I saw the lake on a day", Silvana Gardner , single work poetry (p. 59)
Feminescencei"In the femaleness of my body, said the child,", Janet Baker , single work poetry (p. 60-61)
Mary Nelisi"The provos are out tonight", Jenny Boult , single work poetry (p. 61-62)
Creating Heroines in Australian Plays, Dorothy Hewett , single work criticism (p. 73-80)
The Departure, Linda Burnett , single work short story (p. 81-85)
Threesome, Patricia Morris , single work short story (p. 86-90)