y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1976... vol. 20 no. 3 March 1976 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the 1976 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Rookwood Cemetery : Polish Headstonesi"No White Eagle hangs", Peter Skrzynecki , single work poetry (p. 17)
The Hunti"On Boxing Day, after a Christmas spent", Margaret Scott , single work poetry (p. 27)
Discussion on the Subject of Death is Now Concluded (a Found Story), Frank Moorhouse , single work short story humour (p. 47-50)
Animal Crackers : Mr Eliot and Mr Marx i"Dear T.S. ...Dear Groucho ...my broker suggests", Leon Slade , single work poetry (p. 50)
McAuley's Choice, A. Mitchell , single work review
— Review of A Map of Australian Verse : The Twentieth Century James McAuley , 1975 selected work criticism ;
(p. 55-57)
Communist Memories, K. D. Gott , single work review
— Review of But the Dead Are Many : A Novel in Fugue Form Frank Hardy , 1975 single work novel ;
(p. 58-59)
The Squash Player, George Molnar , single work short story satire (p. 60-61)
Roads and Marketsi"Two men squat by their mule and cart,", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 62)
Odei"I envy those men whose loves and hates", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 62)
Octavilla Pulchellai"After I deflowered you, Pulchella,", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 63)
Claudia Claudiai"Claudia, the wife of Brucellus", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 63)
Sweet Suitei"Every big wooden beam has a beetle inside it,", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 64)
Face in the Streeti"A man wears a tragedian's leather mask", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 65)
The Night of the Wedding [1976]i"About to be deflowered!", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 65)
Furiusi"At first your servant boy didn't want it,", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 66)
The Martyr Poeti"Old friends, no, enemies", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 66)
Rufusi"At Sulla's house the other night", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 66)
The Gracchiadi"Poor old Gracchus,", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 67)
Crassus -- Poet of the Table Drusus -- Poet of the Tablei"Ink flows from your saliva glands -- you write", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 67)
Potter's Fieldi"Maecenas buried it under a garden.", Geoffrey Lehmann , single work poetry (p. 68-69)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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