y separately published work icon Angry Penguins Broadsheet periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1946... no. 5 1946 of Angry Penguins Broadsheet est. 1946 Angry Penguins Broadsheet
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* Contents derived from the , 1946 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Crocodile Tears for Glassop!, single work
This Editorial is an attack on the censorship laws of the day and the prosecution of many Australian writers for corruption of public morals.
(p. 2-3)
Chloe: Grand Duchess of Ballyhoo, single work prose satire (p. 4-5)
The Tin Bull and The Red Rag Page, James McGuire , single work column
Also includes reference to H. G. Wells.
(p. 5-7)
Rose and Lilaci"O month of blossoms, month of deadly chill", Louis Aragon , Alexander Craig (translator), single work poetry (p. 10)
Oscar Wilde, Ludmila Kronidova , single work review
This is an unflattering review of a performance by Ross Buchanan and Company of 'Wildean epigrams prepared by Leslie and Sewell Stokes' using Wilde's court case as the central theme.
(p. 12)
Blithe Spirit, Ludmila Kronidova , single work review (p. 12)
Fury, Yvonne Hutton , single work review
This is a review of the film Fury by Fritz Laing (1936) on its re-release in 1946.
(p. 13)
O, Moralisti"You glimpse", Elizabeth Hamill , single work poetry (p. 15)
Praesagiumi"Whereas the Eastern fathers - most", Elizabeth Hamill , single work poetry (p. 15)
That Word 'Mystical', John McKellar , single work correspondence (p. 16)