y separately published work icon The Australian Journal periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1870... vol. 6 no. 63 August 1870 of The Australian Journal est. 1865 The Australian Journal
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* Contents derived from the 1870 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
An Equestrian Experience, Wat , single work short story
On a painful ride to the Flemington races in Melbourne by Sam Samples, a wine and spirits commercial traveller, on the back of a trained hunter. (PB)
(p. 682-683)
A. L. G.i"The hawk swoops down in the misty morn,", G. G. McC , single work poetry (p. 684)
The Spinster's Secret, single work short story
A spinster in a small country town spies on the summer boarders at a neighbour's farm and decides to intervene in what appears to be an illicit romance. [Probably set in the USA.] (PB)
(p. 686)
The White House on the Cliffs, single work short story
A tale set in the west of England around 1820 involving the return of 17 year-old Julia Lovett, her friend and her suitor from London in time to help solve a mystery of secret passages, haunted rooms and fraudulent money coiners. (PB)
(p. 696-701)
[Untitled], W. W. , single work short story
A ghost story in a deserted hut near Wood's Point, Victoria, the scene of a murder years before. The ghost is the murderer, and batteries are used to give an electric shock to those who came too close. (PB)
(p. 704-707)
An Undiscovered Crime, H. W. H. S. , single work short story
Purportedly true tale of a woman and her lover who murder her husband and dispose of his body barbarically on a sheep station in country NSW. (PB)
(p. 710)
Towzer and Co., Waif Wander , single work prose humour
On the three dogs observed by the author. Animal character sketch. (PB)
(p. 712-713)
My Engagement - And Its End, Ruth Rowland , single work short story
Reuben Stilton returns to his fiancee of two years and declares he no longer loves her. She ends this engagement, but eventually rediscovers him as a vagrant lunatic. [Probably set in the US.](PB)
(p. 713-714)
Which Will She Choose, M. K. D. , single work short story
Ruth Hinton must choose between rich 60 year-old James Hinton or his handsome young nephew - and the results of her choice are not exactly as she expected. (PB)
(p. 716-717)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Includes the sixth instalment of Leon Lewis' 'The Trapper's Last Trail', pp. 687-694.
Includes sixth instalment of Marcus Clarke's serial fiction 'His Natural Life', pp. 672-681.
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