y separately published work icon Meanjin Quarterly periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1976... vol. 35 no. 3 Spring 1976 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin Quarterly
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* Contents derived from the , 1976 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Advicei"I take for my pattern the high window", Dimitris Tsaloumas , Margaret Carroll (translator) single work poetry (p. 245)
The Boxer and the Grocer, Angelo Loukakis , single work short story (p. 246-252)
Solitairei"Two ways to destroy a visionary: simply to oppose him, simply to agree with him", Peter Steele , single work poetry (p. 272-276)
A Night for Stories, Morris Lurie , single work short story (p. 284-291)
Moon Mother (for Sarah Jones)i"In this year the stars have raped the heavens;", Lyndon Walker , single work poetry (p. 291)
Lives of the Poetsi"Poets are very much the same, though they differ greatly. The same in their craft", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 307-308)
Orienti"I laugh in the heat and am beheaded", Laurie Duggan , single work poetry (p. 308)
Post-Wari"Lights burn in houses we are not, through", Laurie Duggan , single work poetry (p. 309)
Lagoonsi"The Terrible", Clive Faust , single work poetry (p. 310)
Metalogic of One of the Late Tales of Kafkai"We take the mole for metaphor, blind", Clive Faust , single work poetry (p. 312)
It Answersi"The function", Clive Faust , single work poetry (p. 312)
The Displayi"The porch lamp prompts", Jennifer Maiden , single work poetry (p. 313-314)
Shirts, Prams, and Tomato Sauce: The All-Australian Theatre, Dorothy Hewett , single work criticism (p. 316-323)
Beyond the Mask: Katharine Susannah Prichard, Bruce Bennett , single work criticism biography (p. 324-329)
Mirrors and Backward Glances : Some Recent Autobiographical Novels, Ray Ericksen , single work review
— Review of Johnno : A Novel David Malouf , 1975 single work novel ; A Collapsible Man Laurie Clancy , 1975 single work novel ; Tamarisk Row Gerald Murnane , 1974 single work novel ; Early Promise D. R. Burns , 1975 single work novel ;
(p. 330-333)