y separately published work icon Twentieth Century periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1965... vol. 20 1965-66, 1965 of Twentieth Century est. 1946 Twentieth Century
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* Contents derived from the , 1965 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Russian Rosei"A foreign flower glided", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 37)
Lemonsi"By grace of ground", Joan Mas , single work poetry (p. 141)
King's Beastsi"In ancient days the titled rich (some kings)", Mary Finnin , single work poetry (p. 154-155)
Memoriali"Twelve candles blazed chryselephantine splendour", John Donlan , single work poetry (p. 163)
Homestead at Lake Harryi"I am approaching", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 176-177)
The Birdsville Tracki"An unsubstantial", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 177-178)
The Translation (for Margaret)i"How can your strange words be my poem?", Grace Perry , single work poetry (p. 184)
Mootwingeei"I am at Mootwingee", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 261-262)
Abatonka Ruinsi"I came", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 292)
Transubstantiationi"Along", Leslie Horsphol , single work poetry (p. 333-334)
Wrong Man for the Job, Ethel Webb Bundell , single work short story (p. 349-362)