y separately published work icon Span periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... no. 33 May 1992 of Span est. 1975 Span
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* Contents derived from the 1992 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Trees, John Joseph Jones , single work short story (p. 47-50)
A Little Lucifer, Peter Anstee , single work short story (p. 51)
The Work of Mudrooroo Narogin (Colin Johnson): 31 Years of Literary Production, 1960-1991, Hugh Webb , single work bibliography (p. 52-71)
Light and Dark, Deborah Pearson , single work short story (p. 81-86)
In the Dark, Deborah Pearson , single work short story (p. 87-88)
Textual Tourism: Negotiating the Spaces of Reading, Phillip Roe , single work criticism (p. 91-103)
The Core Revolts, Lau Siew Mei , single work short story (p. 104-108)
The Crossroads, Marguerite Laurence , single work short story (p. 150-151)
Untitled, David Moody , single work review
— Review of Antithesis vol. 4 no. 2 1991 periodical issue ;
(p. 155)
[Review] Gender, Politics and Fiction : Twentieth Century Australian Women's Novels, Delys Bird , single work review
— Review of Gender, Politics and Fiction : Twentieth Century Australian Women's Novels 1985 anthology criticism ;
(p. 158-159)
Untitled, Glen Nicholls , single work review
— Review of Eagle and Emu : German-Australian Writing 1930-1990 Manfred Jurgensen , 1992 multi chapter work criticism ;
(p. 162-163)
Untitled, Christopher Ward , single work review
— Review of Black Life : Poems Jack Davis , 1992 selected work poetry ;
(p. 168-169)
[Review] Randolph Stow : Visitants, Episodes from Other Novels, Poems, Stories, Interviews, and Essays, Gail Jones , single work review
— Review of Randolph Stow : Visitants, Episodes from Other Novels, Poems, Stories, Interviews, and Essays Randolph Stow , 1990 selected work novel poetry extract short story prose interview criticism ;
(p. 173-174)
Untitled, Cynthia Baker , single work review
— Review of Olga Masters Reporting Home : Her Writings as a Journalist Olga Masters , 1990 selected work prose criticism ;
(p. 175-176)
[Review] Wintering, Chris Floyd , single work review
— Review of Homecoming : Three Novellas John Clanchy , 1989 selected work short story ; Wintering Victor Kelleher , 1990 single work novel ; Cabin Fever Elizabeth Jolley , 1990 single work novel ; The Tax Inspector Peter Carey , 1991 single work novel ;
(p. 177-181)
Untitled, Susan Hayes , single work review
— Review of Things Could Be Worse Lily Brett , 1990 selected work short story ;
(p. 182)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Alternative title: Neo-Colonialism
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