y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1967... vol. 89 no. 4560 29 July 1967 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1967 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Saints Alive, Madeleine Haydon , single work review
— Review of The Devil's Advocate : A Dramatization of the Novel by Morris L. West Dore Schary , 1961 single work drama ;
(p. 37)
A Russian Journey : II : The Tyranny of Thingsi"Freed from the tyranny of things,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 62)
A Russian Journey : I : Peredelkino (Home and Burial Place of Boris Pasternak)i"The woods are light and dark as the Russian soul,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 62)
A Russian Journey, Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 62-64)
A Russian Journey : IV : To Mikhail Vrubel (Mikhail Vrubel, 1856-1911, Russian Symbolist Painter)i"The dry day lapsed, no answer came.", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 63)
A Russian Journey : V : Georgian Winei"This sky of other stars is just like mine,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 63)
A Russian Journey : III : Wooden Housesi"Those joyless partners, the bulldozer and the set-square,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 63)
A Russian Journey : VI : Two Houses, Stalin's and Mayakovsky'si"In one wild Georgian day I saw two houses,", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 63-64)
A Russian Journey : VIII : End of the Journeyi"Those who lived in the country are not likely", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 64)
A Russian Journey : VII : Useless Beautyi"In the country palace of the worst, mad Tsar", Geoffrey Dutton , single work poetry (p. 64)