Alternative title: The Australian Literary Quarterly
Issue Details: First known date: 1985... 21-22 December 1985 of The Australian Literary Magazine est. 1985 The Australian Literary Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 1985 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Big Chief Yellowhand, Peter Joseph Kenna , single work autobiography (p. 1-2)
The Evidence, Derek Stanwell , single work short story (p. 2)
The Empty Beach, James R. Allan , single work short story (p. 2)
Common Interests, Pauline Willis , single work short story (p. 2)
Lost for Words, Bryan Cooper , single work short story (p. 2)
Right Place, Wrong Time, L. G. Rook , single work short story (p. 2)
Decisions, Decisions, Rhys Watkins , single work short story (p. 2)
A Familiar Event, L Yuill , single work short story (p. 2)
Don't Call Us, M. G. Boswell , single work short story (p. 2)
Carla's Joy, Mary Anne Baartz , single work short story (p. 2)
The Punishment of Prison, Helen Barnacle , single work short story (p. 2)
A Modern Love Story, Dennis Altman , single work short story (p. 2)
Still Life, Joanna Golding , single work short story (p. 2)
Number Seven, Ray Franklin , single work short story (p. 2)
Surprise, Surprise!, Vincent W. Shekleton , single work short story (p. 2)
The Contract, Elizabeth Homer , single work short story (p. 2)
Cultural Capers, Harry Straw , single work short story (p. 2)
Togetherness and Separationi"I remember how beautiful you looked when we met", J Mackay , single work poetry (p. 2)
Moggy Manslaughter, John Law , single work short story (p. 2)
A Moving Tale, Alison McKenzie , single work short story (p. 2)