y separately published work icon The Age newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1990... 19 May 1990 of The Age est. 1854 The Age
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* Contents derived from the , 1990 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Lairs and Larrikins, Ross Fitzgerald , single work criticism (p. 7) Section: Saturday Extra
Shelf Life [The Age (Saturday Extra), 19 May 1990], Jane Sullivan , single work criticism (p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Rare Gems Fill a Paperbark Treasure-Trove, Roberta Sykes , single work review
— Review of Paperbark : A Collection of Black Australian Writings 1990 anthology poetry drama short story criticism prose autobiography biography ;
(p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Subliminal Wildcat Stalks with Dead Calm, Peter Pierce , single work review
— Review of Play with Knives Jennifer Maiden , 1990 single work novel ;
(p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Writing and Rewriting from the Right, Pamela Bone , single work criticism (p. 9) Section: Saturday Extra
Volumei"Before us on the beach, a large woman", Terry Harrington , single work poetry (p. 9) Section: Saturday Extra
Lighter Memories for the `Devised Descendants' of the Ghetto, Sue Murray , single work review
— Review of Things Could Be Worse Lily Brett , 1990 selected work short story ; After the War: Poems Lily Brett , 1990 selected work poetry ;
(p. 9) Section: Saturday Extra
Bookmarks, Bob Millington , single work review
— Review of Worser Homes and Gardens Kerry Cue , 1990 single work novel ;
(p. 9) Section: Saturday Extra
UWA Calls for a New Book Publisher, Duncan Graham , single work criticism (p. 10) Section: Saturday Extra