y separately published work icon Kunapipi periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1989... vol. 11 no. 3 1989 of Kunapipi est. 1979 Kunapipi
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* Contents derived from the 1989 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Window Mannequini"For a start, they're meant to be like us", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 16)
Scots Castlei"Past these walls, the air emulsifies", Philip Salom , single work poetry (p. 17)
Imaginary Sailors, Polynesiai"Steering by starpath and the flight of birds", Jena Woodhouse , single work poetry (p. 18)
Trinity Beachi"Cushioned between Yorkey's Knob and Clifton Beach", B. W. Benyon , single work poetry (p. 19)
On Fitzroy Islandi"The boy sweeps,", B. W. Benyon , single work poetry (p. 19-20)
The Ghosts of a Cartoon Lifei"In a backyard lonely with my grandfather's absence,", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 20-21)
Cro-Hilli"We had this stuff that Wayne found in the shed:", Anthony Lawrence , single work poetry (p. 21-22)
Writing the Self : Barbara Hanrahan's "The Scent of Eucalyptus", Sue Thomas , single work criticism (p. 53-66)
The Dry Season, David P. Reiter , single work short story (p. 67-83)
Languages of War, Class and National History: David Malouf's Fly Away Peter 'The Mapping of a World' : Discourses of Power in David Malouf's 'Fly Away Peter', Amanda Nettelbeck , single work criticism (p. 84-97)
Last amended 3 May 2022 10:09:24
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