y separately published work icon The Lone Hand periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1914... vol. 15 no. 90 (n.s. vol.2 no.11) 1 October 1914 of The Lone Hand est. 1907 The Lone Hand
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* Contents derived from the , 1914 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Wari"I am War. The upturned eyeballs of piled dead men greet my eye,", Sam Walter Foss , single work poetry (p. 320)
What the Public Wants : Being a Further Adventure of "The Strolling Hogans", Edward Dyson , single work short story humour (p. 331-333)
The Man Who Knew Not, Alex Montgomery , single work short story (p. 334-335)
Emily's Present, Mabel Forrest , single work short story (p. 336)
Quatrains, Arthur A. D. Bayldon , single work poetry (p. 336)
The Pink Elixir, Ethel Turner , single work short story (p. 337-340)
No Go, Leslie Lee , single work short story (p. 341)
Not Frightened for Nothing, S. Emmett , single work short story (p. 341)
Boy v. Dog, Duncan Brown , single work short story (p. 341)
Appearances are Deceitful, Roachie , single work short story (p. 341)
A Woman's Voicei"O heart! what is it you hear above the noise of a nation,", Theodosia Garrison , single work poetry (p. 353)