y separately published work icon The Canberra Times newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... 11 January 1992 of The Canberra Times est. 1926 The Canberra Times
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* Contents derived from the 1992 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Award Winner to Further Explore Alvie Skerritt, Robert Hefner , single work criticism (p. 4)
Shedding New Light On an Obscure Manuscript, Patricia Clarke , single work review
— Review of A Window in the Dark Dymphna Cusack , 1991 single work prose autobiography biography ;
(p. C8)
Campfiresi"Calling me a pyromaniac", Diane Beckingham , single work poetry (p. C9)
Multiculturalism Based Entirely on English, Ralph Elliott , single work review
— Review of The Flinders Jubilee Anthology 1991 anthology short story drama poetry ;
(p. C9)
Revving it Up in London Town, John Bryant , single work review
— Review of Brrm! Brrm! Clive James , 1991 single work novel ;
(p. C9)
Attempt at Farce Achieves Froth, Ian McFarlane , single work review
— Review of The Narcissus Conspiracy Renate Yates , 1991 single work novel ;
(p. C9)
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