y separately published work icon The Lone Hand periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1917... vol. 7 no. 9 August 1917 of The Lone Hand est. 1907 The Lone Hand
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* Contents derived from the 1917 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
America Resurgenti"She is risen from the dead!", Wendell Phillip Stafford , single work poetry (p. 430)
Twin Souls, Edward Searle , single work short story humour (p. 441-442)
Old Lace, H. Ernest Forrest , single work short story (p. 450)
The Battle of the Somme (from The Grapes of Wrath), Boyd Cable , extract novel war literature (p. 451-454)
The Light that Never Failedi"It gleamed when first the primal man", Tom Beasley , single work poetry (p. 456)
Destinyi"I know not where this path may trend", Tom Beasley , single work poetry (p. 456)
Last amended 14 May 2003 19:04:24
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