y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1950... vol. 11 no. 4 1950 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1950 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Literature 1949, H. M. Green , single work criticism (p. 182-187)
The Buoyi"There is but this, my sister and my brother,--", Donovan Clarke , single work poetry (p. 187)
Manifestoi"So this is Spring, and it may not be in the season,", Nancy Keesing , single work poetry (p. 193-195)
Time is Confounded by Eternityi"Come to the Sistene Chapel: on his back,", Ernest Briggs , single work poetry (p. 195)
Thoughts of Imageryi"The fine gloom of this form", Frank Neilson , single work poetry (p. 196-197)
Fairytalei"The witch has changed the Prince into a toad.", Judith Wright , single work poetry (p. 198)
Transformations, Judith Wright , sequence poetry (p. 198-200)
Mythi"A god has chosen to be shaped in flesh.", Judith Wright , single work poetry (p. 199)
The Playi"Now all the years his bargain bought are gone.", Judith Wright , single work poetry (p. 199-200)
The Skeletoni"We saw his clean skull first, and then his near-buried bones", Alec Choate , single work poetry (p. 200)
Marinei"Perversity! that will not stay", Christopher Brennan , single work poetry (p. 201-202)
Mani"Burning red", Timothy Kelly , single work poetry (p. 202)
Facts on Fiction, Marjorie Barnard , single work review
— Review of An Introduction to Australian Fiction Colin Roderick , 1950 single work criticism ;
(p. 203-204)
Aboriginal Songs, Frederick T. Macartney , single work review
— Review of Songs of the Songmen : Aboriginal Myths Retold 1949 anthology short story ;
(p. 207-209)
The Imago, R. G. Howarth , single work review
— Review of The Aunt's Story Patrick White , 1948 single work novel ;
(p. 209-210)
My Mother Reared Me Tenderly, R. G. Howarth , single work review
— Review of Robbery Under Arms : A Story of Life and Adventure in the Bush and in the Goldfields of Australia Rolf Boldrewood , 1882 single work novel ;
(p. 210-211)
Upside Down or Inside Out, Cecil Hadgraft , single work review
— Review of Dust or Polish? Norman Lindsay , 1950 single work novel ;
(p. 213-214)
Public People, Dawn Wood , single work review
— Review of Memoirs of a Premier's Wife Ada A. Holman , 1947 single work autobiography ;
(p. 215)
Lawson in Little, Paul L. Grano , single work review
— Review of Henry Lawson : Twenty Stories and Seven Poems, with Observations by His Friends and Critics Henry Lawson , 1947 selected work short story poetry ;
(p. 215-216)
Made Native, Paul L. Grano , single work review
— Review of Isles of Despair Ion L. Idriess , 1947 single work novel ;
(p. 217)