y separately published work icon HOBO Poetry Magazine periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... no. 10 September 1996 of HOBO Poetry Magazine est. 1993 HOBO Poetry Magazine
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* Contents derived from the , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Moon Festivali"First time I saw you", Margaret Bradstock , single work poetry (p. 7)
Neighbourhood Guidei"Our end of the battleaxe", Adrian Caesar , single work poetry (p. 8-9)
From the Body or Face (On a Remark)i"mood swings across the screen", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 9-10)
Be Spideri"I read today that another monk's", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
The Fatheri"This was the beginning of his magic:", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
Once When Night Fell Before the Day Was Overi"once when night fell", M. T. C. Cronin , single work poetry (p. 12-13)
Below Waterlinei"Grounded", Clive Faust , single work poetry (p. 13-14)
Off and Outi"Fly", Clive Faust , single work poetry (p. 15)
The Life of Charlie ( A Homage to Richard Brautigan)i"Charlie's schooldays were taken up thinking about", Michael Fitzgerald-Clarke , single work poetry (p. 15-17)
The Absencei"Her therapist is on holiday", Carolyn Gerrish , single work poetry (p. 19)
The Logos Writ in Perilous Placesi"something has written WHY in the sky", Carolyn Gerrish , single work poetry (p. 19)
Morningi"you two", Rory Harris , single work poetry (p. 20)
Mayi"the wind in your mouth", Rory Harris , single work poetry (p. 20)
Stepping Stonesi"Out", Richard Hillman , single work poetry (p. 21-22)
Jung Sat in His Toweri"Your rages", Jeltje Fanoy , single work poetry (p. 23-25)
Out of the Tower, Into the Streetsi"Out of", Jeltje Fanoy , single work poetry (p. 25-26)
Untitledi"side-stepping cockroaches a night thick with stars", Ric Adamson , single work poetry (p. 27)
Untitledi"autumn evening:", Ric Adamson , single work poetry (p. 27)
Untitledi"winter furnace door creaks wood going in", Ric Adamson , single work poetry (p. 27)
Untitledi"stopt to allow geese crossing some idiot honks", Janice M. Bostok , single work poetry (p. 27)