y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1951... vol. 12 no. 4 1951 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1951 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Literature 1950 : Final Survey, H. M. Green , single work criticism (p. 182-189)
Scarecrowi"The rag of terror has flapped its term", T. Inglis Moore , single work poetry (p. 189)
Eveningi"Over the open belly of the earth", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 190)
Coalmines: Tasman Peninsulai"Sweat fretted out the sandstone here,", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 190-191)
Let the Suni"Let the sun resume the splendour", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 191-192)
The Old Womeni"Wrinkled fist in wrinkled fist", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 192)
On the Harbouri"The brittle chips of sail", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 193)
The House of Shadowsi"Jackby the punch-drunk, boxing among", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 193)
View from the Airi"Wide, oh wide ... to the blue west", Wolfe Fairbridge , single work poetry (p. 193-195)
The Bloom of Fleshi"The curve of cheek, cupped in marble hand,", R. L. Cook , single work poetry (p. 195)
Brent of Bin Bin, Arthur Ashworth , single work criticism (p. 196-202)
The Last Seagulli"Red waves of sand unwelcoming as stone", Nancy Cato , single work poetry (p. 202)
A World of Goodi"Love comes to all, a petulant extremist,", Muir Holburn , single work poetry (p. 203-207)
The Good Worker, Dal Stivens , single work short story (p. 208-211)
Note: Textual correction published in Southerly vol.13 no.1 1952 p.59
Spendthrift This Life Bloodi"Spendthrift this life blood on the city day", Amy McGrath , single work poetry (p. 211)
Love Affairi"You ask what are your feelings", Joyce Shewcroft , single work poetry (p. 212-215)
The Arki"Archaic youths sever the raftered grape,", Donovan Clarke , single work poetry (p. 215)
Play-Field 'En Espagne', C. J. H. O'Brien , single work review
— Review of The Ship of Heaven : A Musical Fantasy in Three Acts Hugh McCrae , 1923-1933 single work musical theatre ;
(p. 216-218)
Stop-Gap or Rash Sally?, Donovan Clarke , single work review
— Review of Fourteen Minutes : Short Sketches of Australian Poets and Their Work, From Harpur to the Present Day: Based on Wireless Talks Delivered for the A.B.C. in 1942 H. M. Green , 1944 selected work criticism ; Contemporary Australian Poets Arthur Murphy , 1950 selected work criticism ;
(p. 218-222)
Once More Unto the Breach..., Kelvin Lancaster , single work review
— Review of The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse 1918 anthology poetry ;
(p. 223-226)