Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 Australian Literature and the Public Sphere : Refereed Proceedings of the 1998 [ASAL] Conference
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* Contents derived from the Toowoomba, Toowoomba area, Darling Downs, Queensland,:Association for the Study of Australian Literature , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Australian Literature and the Public Sphere : Keynote Address, Graeme Turner , single work criticism (p. 1-12)
Australian Literature in the Marketplace, Elizabeth Webby , single work criticism
Discusses the impact of recent changes, particulalry in the economic and political scenes, on Australian literature as the literary production of and about Australia and Australians and as a university discipline.
(p. 13-22)
"Bringing Them Home" : The Power of Story as Public Discourse, Bernadette Brennan , single work criticism (p. 23-32)
What's Policy Got to Do with It? Cultural Policy and Forms of Writing, Cathy Greenfield , Peter Williams , single work criticism (p. 33-43)
What's in a Name? Helen Garner and the Power of the Author in the Public Domain, Catherine Darcy , single work criticism (p. 44-50)
Legal Witchcraft and the Craft of Fiction : Wik and Its Literary Precedents, Terry Threadgold , single work criticism (p. 51-65)
Magazine Culture : Notes Towards a History of Australian Periodical Publications 1920-1970, David Carter , single work criticism (p. 69-79)
Better Half-Dead than Read? The 'Mezzomorto' Cases and Their Implications for Literary Culture in the 1930s, Ben Goldsmith , single work criticism
Focuses on two libel cases arising from Brian Penton's review of Mezzomorto, viewing them as points of entry into Australian literary politics in the 1930s, and discusses the literary feud between P.R. Stephensen and Brian Penton.
(p. 80-89)
Career Playwrights : Working Women Dramatists, 1928-1968, Michelle Arrow , single work criticism (p. 90-97)
Marcus Clarke, Gustave Dore and the Mystery of the Popular, Andrew McCann , single work criticism (p. 101-109)
The Devil and James McAuley : The Making of a Cold War Warrior, Cassandra Pybus , single work criticism (p. 110-123)
Christina Stead's Satire and the Public Sphere, Anne Pender , single work criticism (p. 124-131)
Becoming "Elizabeth Jolley" : The First Twenty Years In Australia, Barbara Milech , single work criticism biography (p. 132-141)
Discourses of Vocation in Peter Carey's "Oscar and Lucinda", Lyn McCredden , single work criticism (p. 142-150)
Build the Author, Sell the Book : Marketing the Australian Author in the 1990s, Anne Galligan , single work criticism (p. 151-159)
The Uses of Whiteness Theory in Critical Discourses of Race, Carole Ferrier , single work criticism (p. 163-171)
Canonising Queer : From Hal to Dorothy, Leigh Dale , single work criticism (p. 172-184)
'Sinister Signs of Professionalism'? Literary Gang Warfare in the 1950s and 60s, Christopher Lee , single work criticism (p. 187-193)
Deregulating the Critical Economy : Theory and Australian Literary Criticism in the 1980s, Robert Dixon , single work criticism (p. 194-201)
Around 1985 : Australian Feminist Literary Criticism and Its 'Foreign Bodies', Delys Bird , single work criticism (p. 202-209)