Issue Details: First known date: 1961... 1961 From Australia to Britain and Other Specially Selected Poems
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  • Author's Note: 'Though myself born in Queensland, my parents were British so, as with many Australians, the Old and New are blended. Hence our interest in happenings overseas.'


* Contents derived from the Brisbane, Queensland,:Smith & Patterson , 1961 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
From Australia to Britaini"Australia, Land of the Morning, sends to her Sovereign Lady", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Australia's Women to Their Queeni"Our brave young Queen Elizabeth", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Greetings From Queensland : Engagement of Princess Elizabethi"So Joy comes dancing back a little space,", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
The Royal Wedding : Marriage of Princess Elizabeth to Prince Philipi"Ring, happy bells! rain your glad music down!", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
To the Princess : 'Greetings from Australia'i"Wide as liberty, deep as loyalty, stretch the sundering seas away.", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
The Royal Mother : Birth of Prince Charlesi"Now she is truly crowned, with diadem", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Westminster Abbey : Coronation Scenei"The air is sweet with Summer's breath,", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Welcome to Australia to Our Queen : Farm Cove, Sydneyi"Wild winds and waves: a Continent that waits", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Farewell, Australiai"The Royal ship makes ready to depart,", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Hail and Farewelli"Queen Farewell! but though you leave us, yet", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Queen Maryi"Our Lady is lying asleep; you would think she", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Our Homage : Visit of Queen Mother to Brisbane, Queenslandi"Our women's hearts remember how she came in Life's springtime,", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
A Spring Song : Welcome to Princess Alexandra to Queenslandi"Hail modern Princess with the lively mind,", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)
Princess Margaret : The Motheri"What shall we crown her with, the sparkling little Princess?", Emily Bulcock , single work poetry (p. n.p.)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

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