Enter the world of a murdered socialite, be consumed by rural madness, be ignited by the longings of an obsessive optometrist, engrossed by unorthodox book-binding, and moved by a heartbreaking meditation on the Oklahoma bombings. With its bewitching language, full of subtle harmonies and rhythms, The Essential Bird takes the reader on a voyage that delights, amazes and fascinates. Carmel Bird weaves fact, fantasy and history into a shimmering fabric of fiction that creates a world of hyper-reality both tender and profound. (Source: back cover)
London Sydney : Fourth Estate , 2005 pg. 317-324'A wonderful collection of twenty-four short stories that celebrate the history, culture and creativity of Tasmania.
'Tasmania is another country—a lush, sometimes foreboding island with a people fiercely protective of its history, culture and creativity.
'This handsome collection, the first to bring together the finest stories about Tasmania, includes works by notable early Australian writers, such as Marcus Clarke and Tasma; internationally renowned practitioners, like Hal Porter, Carmel Bird and Nicholas Shakespeare; and a range of newer voices, from Danielle Wood and Rohan Wilson to Rachael Treasure. These twenty-four superb stories showcase the island's colonial past, its darkness and humour, the unique beauty and savagery of its landscape.
'Both a must-read for enthusiasts of Australian literature and a perfect gift for lovers of Tasmania, Deep South comes with a critical introduction from the editors and biographical sketches of the contributors.' (Source: Text Publishing website)
Melbourne : Text Publishing , 2012 pg. 87-95