The Bards Who Lived at Manly single work   poetry   "The camp of high-class spielers,"
  • Author:agent Henry Lawson
Issue Details: First known date: 1913... 1913 The Bards Who Lived at Manly
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Henry Lawson, the Doo-dah Dilettante and a Lost Poem Jill Dimond , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 69 no. 2 2009; (p. 95-108)
Discusses the genesis of a (lost) poem by Henry Lawson, 'Mothers o' Men'. Written beween July and September 1903, while Lawson was separating from his wife and lived in Manly, the poem was recited by Mrs Hamilton-Grey, who campaigned against a new Children's Protection Bill, to a large audience at the School of Arts on 21 September 1903. Topical and popular as the poem seems to have been, it was never published.
Henry Lawson, the Doo-dah Dilettante and a Lost Poem Jill Dimond , 2009 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , vol. 69 no. 2 2009; (p. 95-108)
Discusses the genesis of a (lost) poem by Henry Lawson, 'Mothers o' Men'. Written beween July and September 1903, while Lawson was separating from his wife and lived in Manly, the poem was recited by Mrs Hamilton-Grey, who campaigned against a new Children's Protection Bill, to a large audience at the School of Arts on 21 September 1903. Topical and popular as the poem seems to have been, it was never published.
Last amended 5 Nov 2009 15:19:52
  • Manly, Manly - Allambie - Curl Curl area, Sydney Northeastern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,
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