This Is the Grass single work   autobiography  
Is part of Autobiographical Trilogy Alan Marshall , 1955 series - author autobiography (number 2 in series)
Issue Details: First known date: 1962... 1962 This Is the Grass
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  • Dedication: To my friend, Dr. Ian C. Macdonald
  • Epigraph : These are really the thoughts of all men in all ages and lands, they are not original with me. / ... This is the common air that bathes the globe. - Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass.
  • Second volume in autobiographical trilogy, comprising I Can Jump Puddles, This Is the Grass, and In Mine Own Heart.

Affiliation Notes

  • Writing Disability in Australia:

    Table No.0 This ia a table
    Type of disability Poliomyelitis.
    Type of character Primary.
    Point of view First person (autobiography).

Publication Details of Earliest 2 Known Versions of 5

Show 2 more publications of this version
Alternative title: Moj zivot patri Tebe
Language: Slovak

Other Formats

  • Braille and sound recording.

Works about this Work

Radical Nationalism and Socialist Realism in Alan Marshall's Autobiographical Writing John McLaren , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Journal of Australian Studies , June vol. 36 no. 2 2012; (p. 229-244)
'Alan Marshall's work has either been neglected or has been discussed in the context of its contribution to the Australian identity or as an example of Australian autobiography. This essay examines his early novel and his three directly autobiographical works to argue that he uses his studies of popular Australian values to develop a basis for an inclusive Australian democracy. The argument of the essay is that the socialist realist doctrines of the Realist Writers Group and his bush background influence his choice of voice and form, but that the politics of his work has been overlooked. This, as well as his reputation as a popular author, accounts for the unjust critical neglect of his work.' (Publisher's abstract)
Where Certainty Lies : His Father's World Chester Eagle , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Well in the Shadow : A Writer's Journey through Australian Literature 2010; (p. 177-197)
'Some thoughts about the values inherent in Alan Marshall's writing.' (Author's note.)
Alan Marshall's Autobiographical Trilogy John Colmer , 1989 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Autobiography : The Personal Quest 1989; (p. 16-31)
The Essence of Mateship Nancy Keesing , 1972 single work review
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 25 March vol. 94 no. 4797 1972; (p. 47-48)

— Review of In Mine Own Heart Alan Marshall , 1963 single work autobiography ; This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
"This Is the Grass" Ray Williams , 1963 single work review
— Appears in: Realist Writer , April no. 11 1963; (p. 4)

— Review of This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
"This Is the Grass" Ray Williams , 1963 single work review
— Appears in: Realist Writer , April no. 11 1963; (p. 4)

— Review of This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
Five Novels John McLaren , 1962 single work review
— Appears in: Overland , Summer (1962-1963) no. 25 1962; (p. 37-38)

— Review of The World Turned Upside Down Donald McLean , 1962 single work novel ; This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography ; see more review subjects
[Untitled] Scrutarius , 1963 single work review
— Appears in: Walkabout , vol. 29 no. 5 1963; (p. 42)

— Review of The Well Dressed Explorer Thea Astley , 1962 single work novel ; This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
The Essence of Mateship Nancy Keesing , 1972 single work review
— Appears in: The Bulletin , 25 March vol. 94 no. 4797 1972; (p. 47-48)

— Review of In Mine Own Heart Alan Marshall , 1963 single work autobiography ; This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
Untitled John Hetherington , 1962 single work review
— Appears in: Australian Book Review , December vol. 2 no. 2 1962; (p. 24)

— Review of This Is the Grass Alan Marshall , 1962 single work autobiography
Where Certainty Lies : His Father's World Chester Eagle , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Well in the Shadow : A Writer's Journey through Australian Literature 2010; (p. 177-197)
'Some thoughts about the values inherent in Alan Marshall's writing.' (Author's note.)
Radical Nationalism and Socialist Realism in Alan Marshall's Autobiographical Writing John McLaren , 2012 single work criticism
— Appears in: Journal of Australian Studies , June vol. 36 no. 2 2012; (p. 229-244)
'Alan Marshall's work has either been neglected or has been discussed in the context of its contribution to the Australian identity or as an example of Australian autobiography. This essay examines his early novel and his three directly autobiographical works to argue that he uses his studies of popular Australian values to develop a basis for an inclusive Australian democracy. The argument of the essay is that the socialist realist doctrines of the Realist Writers Group and his bush background influence his choice of voice and form, but that the politics of his work has been overlooked. This, as well as his reputation as a popular author, accounts for the unjust critical neglect of his work.' (Publisher's abstract)
Alan Marshall's Autobiographical Trilogy John Colmer , 1989 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Autobiography : The Personal Quest 1989; (p. 16-31)
Last amended 10 May 2024 16:45:32
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