y separately published work icon The Penguin Book of Christmas Poems anthology   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... 1992 The Penguin Book of Christmas Poems
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* Contents derived from the Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,:Penguin , 1992 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Nativityi"The thin distraction of a spider's web", James McAuley , single work poetry (p. 19)
Xmas 1961i"Hark, the store directors sing,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 81)
Puddingi"'Pudding', we say, not 'dessert'. It's smarter.", Margaret Scott , single work poetry (p. 124)
Midnight Mass, Janitzioi"In darkness, earlier gods preside.", Francis Geyer , single work poetry (p. 159)
The Innkeeper's Wifei"I love this byre. Shadows are kindly here.", Clive Sansom , single work poetry (p. 164-165)
Suburban Sonnet : Boxing Dayi"Gold, silver, pink and blue, the globes distort her,", Miriam Stone , single work poetry (p. 166)
Pink Silk from Punjabi"I'm still dreaming pink silk from Punjab.", Chris Mooney-Singh , single work poetry