'This novel is the first in my fairytale trio which also includes Cold Iron (1998) and Clementine (1999). It is based around the fairytale of Le Chat Botte, or Puss in Boots, and also around the legends of Biblical angels. Set in the 17th century in the time of the Sun King, Louis XIV, it is a brilliant adventure as well as an exciting mystery. Frederic, the youngest son of the miller, is banished from his village for having protected a woman, Catou, who has been accused of being a witch and a shape shifter.Because of this, Catou is bound to help him---and little by little, the secret of her extraordinary powers are revealed..When they reach the glittering court of the King, danger is stalking them, very closely..'
Source: Sophie Masson website. Sighted http://users.northnet.com.au/~smasson/existing%20books/carabas.htm 2006 (website now defunct see instead http://www.sophiemasson.org/)