y separately published work icon Dreamworks : Strange New Stories anthology   short story   science fiction  
Issue Details: First known date: 1983... 1983 Dreamworks : Strange New Stories
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* Contents derived from the Carlton, Parkville - Carlton area, Melbourne - North, Melbourne, Victoria,:Norstrilia Press , 1983 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Life the Solitude, Kevin McKay , single work short story (p. 1-14)
Arthur's Aunt, Henry Gasko , single work short story (p. 15-23)
The Parish and Mrs Brown, Lucy Sussex , single work short story (p. 25-32)
Above Atlas His Shoulders, Andrew Whitmore , single work short story (p. 33-88)
What God Said to Me When He Lived Next Door, Bruce Gillespie , single work short story (p. 89-106)
Mirror City, David King , single work short story (p. 107-112)
Drowning in Fire, Damien Broderick , single work short story (p. 113-125)
Artifact, Greg Egan , single work short story science fiction (p. 127-135)
Crystal Soldier, Russell Blackford , single work short story (p. 137-149)
Land Deal, Gerald Murnane , single work short story (p. 151-156)
The Pure Light of the Void, David J. Lake , single work short story (p. 157-175)
Feedback, George Turner , single work short story science fiction (p. 177-195)