y separately published work icon The Adolescent Novel : Australian Perspectives anthology   criticism   biography  
Is part of Literature and Literacy for Young People: An Australian Series 1995- series - publisher criticism
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 The Adolescent Novel : Australian Perspectives
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* Contents derived from the Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga area, Riverina - Murray area, New South Wales,:Charles Sturt University, Centre for Information Studies , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Modern Adolescent Novel, Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 3-24)
The Australian Modern Adolescent Novel, Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 25-50)
Australian Adolescent Literature in the 1990s, Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 51-89)
James Aldridge : 'Larrikins and the Price of Freedom', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 93-103)
Allan Baillie : 'Extending Horizons', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 105-114)
Isobelle Carmody : 'Myth Maker', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 115-125)
Brian Caswell : 'Cartographer of the Future', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 127-133)
Gary Crew : 'Explorer of the Dark Side', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 135-143)
Victor Kelleher : 'Searcher for Peace', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 145-153)
Robin Klein : 'Seeing Beyond the Obvious', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 155-164)
Caroline Macdonald : 'Future to Present', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 165-172)
John Marsden : 'Fighting On', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 173-182)
James Moloney : 'Champion of the Underdog', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 183-190)
Eleanor Nilsson : 'Unsettling Incongruities', Maureen Nimon , Sally Nimon , single work criticism (p. 191-196)
Gillian Rubinstein : 'Playing the Game of Life', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 197-204)
Ivan Southall : 'Chronicler of the Adolescent Journey', John Foster , single work criticism biography (p. 205-216)
Nadia Wheatley : 'A Perspective Lent by Time', Maureen Nimon , single work criticism (p. 217-226)
Patricia Wrightson : 'Spirits in Their Own Land', John Foster , single work criticism (p. 227-235)