Dedication: This book of poetry is dedicated to my dearest land and our little farm situated at Linfarm Road, West Manjimup...
I also dedicate this book of poetry to: my late father-in-law, Athanasios, whom Australians called Tom; my husband Leonidas (Leon), Artist, now Senior Lecturer in Sculpture at Claremont School of Art, TAFE; and to my two sons Athanasios (Arthur), Artist, now Lecturer in Sculpture at Claremont School of Art, and Konstantinos (Con) now Architect and Artist. Without their hard labouring work, devotion and love of this land, we would never have succeeded to own our sacred piece of earth...
This volume of verse is something entirely new for me and my poetry. My practice has always been to write my poems in the Greek language, and afterwards translate the work into English. This tiny volume of thirty-three poems was written in English and is the GENESIS of a new era in my work.