'Everyone, it seems to Dominic Rye, has something unique to get them through life. For his best mate Spiros, it's fiery Greek origins and the prospect of inheriting a fish 'n' chips empire. De Salla's got animal magnetism and girls queuing up; Simmo could win the Indy 500 with his mum's station wagon; and Barry over the road's got his jam-jar washing business and that grandma with the bristly chin. Dominic, however, has never had a real driving force. Except for his half-hearted dream to be the warm-up act for the comedian Skinny Larry down at The Three Crowns...but that's not much of an ambition, is it? Sometimes, though, all it takes to carry us through life is a wisp of ambition. Those occasional tiny rewards, and that elusive light at the end of the tunnel... in the end, it's what we're all living for.' (Libraries Australia record).