Voss : Stubborn Music single work   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1974... 1974 Voss : Stubborn Music
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Works about this Work

Locating Voss within Change, Conflict and Convergence Carol Leon , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Change - Conflict and Convergence : Austral-Asian Scenarios 2010; (p. 125-139)
'This article attempts to locate Patrick White's Voss within postcolonial and postmodern discourse, focussing on themes of identity, space, history and belonging. Written in 1957, the test is a fusion of fact and fiction and in its intermingling of genres accommodates varying ideas as well as responses. Underlying the narrative is a determined attempt by White to comprehend past narratives of the Australian continent and its inhabitants so as to grasp some understandings about them and possibly reconstitute a new world.' (p. 125)
Locating Voss within Change, Conflict and Convergence Carol Leon , 2010 single work criticism
— Appears in: Change - Conflict and Convergence : Austral-Asian Scenarios 2010; (p. 125-139)
'This article attempts to locate Patrick White's Voss within postcolonial and postmodern discourse, focussing on themes of identity, space, history and belonging. Written in 1957, the test is a fusion of fact and fiction and in its intermingling of genres accommodates varying ideas as well as responses. Underlying the narrative is a determined attempt by White to comprehend past narratives of the Australian continent and its inhabitants so as to grasp some understandings about them and possibly reconstitute a new world.' (p. 125)
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