image of person or book cover 2896710711541604988.jpg
Image courtesy of publisher's website.
y separately published work icon Honour's Mimic single work   novel  
Issue Details: First known date: 1964... 1964 Honour's Mimic
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AbstractHistoryArchive Description

'We are alike, Kathy thought. You are a desperate one, too. She was incredulous that she could be so happy when it was so perfectly clear that the situation was impossible, could not possibly last, and that in any case this man was doomed already.

'In this third solo novel, Charmian Clift broke the rules of the romance genre by her representation of a relationship between a middle class Australian woman and a Greek sponge diver who is an outcast even within his own society. Both are ‘desperate’ – trapped in loveless marriages and overcome by a sense of nameless dread. But when these twin souls fall in love in the ruins of an ancient citadel above the port-town of a remote and poverty-stricken Greek island, ‘honour’ becomes ‘mimic’ – a false imitation of itself – and is cast aside, together with unhappiness and fear.

'Honour’s Mimic combines the authentic Greek setting of Charmian Clift’s travel memoirs with the fine writing that has caused her to be described as Australia’s greatest essayist.' (Publication summary (2025))

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Hutchinson ,
      1964 .
      Extent: 223p.
      Description: Portrait of Charmian Clift.
    • Sydney, New South Wales,: Collins , 1989 .
      Extent: vi, 211 p.p.
      ISBN: 0732225558 (pbk.)
    • Sydney, New South Wales,: NewSouth Publishing , 2025 .
      image of person or book cover 2896710711541604988.jpg
      Image courtesy of publisher's website.
      Extent: 272p.
      • Published June 2025

      ISBN: 9781761170416, ebook: 9781761179075, ePDF: 9781761178368

Works about this Work

An Expatriated Adventurer : Charmian Clift and the Utopian Possibility Susan Carson , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 19 no. 1 2019;

'For 20 years Charmian Clift wrote fiction and non-fiction from locations in Australia, England and Greece. When she returned to Australia from Greece in 1964, she explored new career opportunities in newspapers and television. Throughout this long period of publication Clift worked on an autobiographical fiction that she hoped to publish when time permitted. This paper examines the dimensions of a utopian spirit that supported Clift’s journey across countries and genres in search of an authorial self in which she felt most ‘at home. Travel memoir, journalism and fiction, as well as extracts from Clift’s unfinished autobiographical work ‘The End of the Morning,’ are examined to describe her engagement with utopian principles as a way of achieving, through writing, social change and personal fulfilment.' (Publication abstract)

Three Ways of Looking at Kalymnos : Charmian Clift’s Differing Versions of One Greek Island Shilo Previti , Jamie Walters , David Roessel , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 19 no. 1 2019;
'In 1951, married Australian writers Charmian Clift and George Johnston, feeling stifled by postwar conservatism, left Sydney behind to find a more ‘authentic’ way of living. They went first to London, the mecca for Australian literary expatriates, where there was no shortage of work and culture, but where they quickly felt trapped by the ‘rat-race’ mentality of a modern city. So in 1954 they left again, this time for the Greek islands, disposing of material possessions and cutting many of their personal ties. Hoping for a permanent shift from mundane to romantic, they embraced the shining ideals offered by Greek island life: other-worldly beauty; ‘simple’ Greek lifestyles, and freedom from the many pressures of the ‘real’ world.' (Introduction)
Clift's Gifts: Rich Imagery and Sharp Observation Rosemary Wighton , 1992 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 11-12 July 1992; (p. rev 6)

— Review of Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel ; Mermaid Singing Charmian Clift , 1956 single work autobiography ; The Sponge Divers Charmian Clift , George Johnston , 1955 single work novel
Revisiting the Worlds of Charmian Clift Ian McFarlane , 1992 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 4 July 1992; (p. C9)

— Review of Peel Me a Lotus Charmian Clift , 1959 single work autobiography ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel ; Mermaid Singing Charmian Clift , 1956 single work autobiography ; The Sponge Divers Charmian Clift , George Johnston , 1955 single work novel ; Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose
Going Round In Circles.... Penelope Nelson , 1989 single work review
— Appears in: The Australian Magazine , 25-26 March 1989; (p. 7)

— Review of Inland Gerald Murnane , 1988 single work novel ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel
Durable Ephemera Cath Kenneally , 1989 single work review
— Appears in: The Adelaide Review , August no. 66 1989; (p. 25)

— Review of Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel
Durable Ephemera Cath Kenneally , 1989 single work review
— Appears in: The Sydney Review , August no. 15 1989; (p. 19-20)

— Review of Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel
Revisiting the Worlds of Charmian Clift Ian McFarlane , 1992 single work review
— Appears in: The Canberra Times , 4 July 1992; (p. C9)

— Review of Peel Me a Lotus Charmian Clift , 1959 single work autobiography ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel ; Mermaid Singing Charmian Clift , 1956 single work autobiography ; The Sponge Divers Charmian Clift , George Johnston , 1955 single work novel ; Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose
Clift's Gifts: Rich Imagery and Sharp Observation Rosemary Wighton , 1992 single work review
— Appears in: The Weekend Australian , 11-12 July 1992; (p. rev 6)

— Review of Images in Aspic Charmian Clift , 1965 selected work prose ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel ; Mermaid Singing Charmian Clift , 1956 single work autobiography ; The Sponge Divers Charmian Clift , George Johnston , 1955 single work novel
Going Round In Circles.... Penelope Nelson , 1989 single work review
— Appears in: The Australian Magazine , 25-26 March 1989; (p. 7)

— Review of Inland Gerald Murnane , 1988 single work novel ; Honour's Mimic Charmian Clift , 1964 single work novel
Diving Back 1966 single work biography
— Appears in: Nation , 5 February no. 187 1966; (p. 15-16)
Three Ways of Looking at Kalymnos : Charmian Clift’s Differing Versions of One Greek Island Shilo Previti , Jamie Walters , David Roessel , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 19 no. 1 2019;
'In 1951, married Australian writers Charmian Clift and George Johnston, feeling stifled by postwar conservatism, left Sydney behind to find a more ‘authentic’ way of living. They went first to London, the mecca for Australian literary expatriates, where there was no shortage of work and culture, but where they quickly felt trapped by the ‘rat-race’ mentality of a modern city. So in 1954 they left again, this time for the Greek islands, disposing of material possessions and cutting many of their personal ties. Hoping for a permanent shift from mundane to romantic, they embraced the shining ideals offered by Greek island life: other-worldly beauty; ‘simple’ Greek lifestyles, and freedom from the many pressures of the ‘real’ world.' (Introduction)
An Expatriated Adventurer : Charmian Clift and the Utopian Possibility Susan Carson , 2019 single work criticism
— Appears in: JASAL , vol. 19 no. 1 2019;

'For 20 years Charmian Clift wrote fiction and non-fiction from locations in Australia, England and Greece. When she returned to Australia from Greece in 1964, she explored new career opportunities in newspapers and television. Throughout this long period of publication Clift worked on an autobiographical fiction that she hoped to publish when time permitted. This paper examines the dimensions of a utopian spirit that supported Clift’s journey across countries and genres in search of an authorial self in which she felt most ‘at home. Travel memoir, journalism and fiction, as well as extracts from Clift’s unfinished autobiographical work ‘The End of the Morning,’ are examined to describe her engagement with utopian principles as a way of achieving, through writing, social change and personal fulfilment.' (Publication abstract)

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