y separately published work icon Private : Do Not Open selected work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1987... 1987 Private : Do Not Open
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* Contents derived from the Ringwood, Ringwood - Croydon - Kilsyth area, Melbourne - East, Melbourne, Victoria,:Penguin , 1987 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Practising Dying, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 1-14)
Hass Story, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 15-32)
White Noise, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 33-60)
Writing it Down : 1972-1975, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 61-79)
Michael, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 81-90)
Quick Exchanges, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 91-107)
Never Blue, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 109-122)
Strangers, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 123-133)
Last Drink is on the House, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 135-150)
Details, Before the Event, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 151-163)
Pleasure, Sasha Soldatow , single work short story (p. 165-170)