Issue Details: First known date: 1986... 1986 Singing in the Wilderness : A Celebration of Mothering : Poems and Pastel Drawings
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  • Dedication: For my Mother, who taught me loving, and my sons, who are these poems.
  • Epigraph: Not in entire forgetfulness,/ And not in utter nakedness,/ but trailing clouds of glory do we come - William Wordsworth


* Contents derived from the Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Humble Pie Press , 1986 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Working Motheri"She left the baby with the nursery staff", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 4)
An Early Morning Feedi"The baby curls his fingers round my own.", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 6)
Father and Soni"And isn't he like his Dad, they said.", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 8)
The Floweri"She offers him the flower.", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 10)
Mothering - Choicesi"One day I'll walk round the shops with no kids,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 11)
The Six Months' Checki"The clinic sister weighed and measured,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 13)
The Battlegroundi"I don't like you anymore.", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 14)
With Childi"She stood in the doorway", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 17)
The Treadmilli"She works for the pay at the end of the week,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 19)
The Luncheoni"We pass the restaurant - haute cuisine,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 20)
Superwomani"List your assets, the form demands,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 22)
Childi"In sleep", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 23)
The Sick Childi"At last he sleeps.", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 24)
The Baby Asleepi"He sleeps and I hold his foot,", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 27)
Mum, I Need...i"Mum I need you; Mum come here;", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 29)
Love Songi"This perfect child of my imperfect flesh", Barbie Robinson , single work poetry (p. 31)

Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Last amended 5 Nov 2008 15:27:11