A television play based on Tony Morphett's 1967 novel, the narrative sees inventor Jim Richards seeking financial backing from the Mason Corporation for a revolutionary new machine. With different parts of the empire competing for capital and different members of the Mason family competing for control, Richards finds himself in the middle of a power struggle.
The Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) produced the critically acclaimed, award-winning series Dynasty between 1970 and 1971. Dynasty--which bears no relation to the 1980s' American series of the same name--was developed from Tony Morphett's novel and later television play.
The series explores the intrigues and conflicts of powerful media family the Masons who, through the Mason Corporation Board, publish The Standard newspaper and own the television station MSN Channel 6. Head of the family and chairman of the board Jack Mason is a newspaperman like his father. And, again like his father, he is an old-style autocratic owner-publisher, determined to retain control of all aspects of his empire.