Dedication: I would like to dedicate 'Orpheus' to those few friends whose generosity and appreciation alone made its creation possible. It is only a partial repayment for so large a debt of gratitude, but my only means of expressing my thanks, especially to Dr and Mrs Alfred Conlon, Mr Russell Sinclair, and my mother, Mrs L. Langley, for the necessities of life; to Professor A. D. Hope and Mr J. P. McAuley for their encouragement and critical suggestions; and to Mr George Coulson, Professor Julius Stone, and Mr John Thompson for their efforts to have it published.
The more recent poems have been written partly under the patronage of a group of ladies of Wangaratta, Victoria; notably Mrs Jean Marks, who conceived the idea, and Mrs Helen Just, who carried it out; and to them I again express my gratitude, hoping that the results will prove some recompense.