y separately published work icon The Three Miss Kings single work   novel  
  • Author:agent Ada Cambridge http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/cambridge-ada
Issue Details: First known date: 1883... 1883 The Three Miss Kings
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Publication Details of Only Known VersionEarliest 2 Known Versions of

Serialised by: The Australasian 1864 newspaper (2313 issues)
      1883 .
      • Serialised in the Australasian in 26 weekly instalments between 23 June - 15 December 1883.
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      Appleton ,
      1891 .
      Alternative title: The Three Miss Kings : An Australian Story
      Extent: vi, 314 p.p.
      Reprinted: 1893 , 1894
      Series: Appletons' Town and Country Library Appleton (publisher), series - publisher Number in series: 25
    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Heinemann ,
      1891 .
      Extent: vi, 314 p.p.
      Reprinted: 1892
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      M. J. Ivers ,
      1892 .
      Alternative title: The Three Miss Kings : An Australian Story
      Extent: 338p.
      • Publisher's advertisements at end./ Date on p.[1] of cover: 'Jan. 9, 1892.'
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      George Munro ,
      1898 .
      Extent: 338p.
    • New York (City), New York (State),
      United States of America (USA),
      Appleton ,
      1900 .
      Extent: 314p.
      Edition info: t.p. verso: Authorized edition.
    • London,
      United Kingdom (UK),
      Western Europe, Europe,
      Virago ,
      1987 .
      Extent: xvi, 314p.p.
      Edition info: New ed.
      • Introduced by Audrey Tate
      ISBN: 086068864X (pbk.)

Works about this Work

Love Is Not Enough : Australian Romantic Fiction from the Mid-nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century Hsu-Ming Teo , 2023 single work criticism
— Appears in: The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel 2023;
The Accommodation of Ada Cambridge Greg Manning , 2007 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australia : Making Space Meaningful 2007; (p. 71-79)
'The reading of Ada Cambridge's fiction described in this paper is part of a pursuit of an undercurrent in Australian self-representations of what I can perhaps best describe as a strain of ontological doubt - doubt not about what it means to be Australian so much as about what it might mean, in Australia, to be. As is to be expected, intimations of this uncertainty - not quite an idea, nor yet an emotion, nor a self-consistent state - emerge first in colonial writings, often around the figure of disappearance, or of being invisible. They concern the intersubjective European response to Australian space, the sense that to live in the antipodes was not merely to live, in the world's terms, an eclipsed and therefore insignificant life - that much was obvious - but was to be silent, invisible, not to signify: semiotically speaking, to cease to be. One associative consequence of this sense is the thought that antipodean space is itself liminal, para-real, otherworldly. Such an imaginary landscape is of course both constructed by and significantly constructive of any sense of being-yet-not-being in the world. The doubt of which I speak is ideological only in the sense that it emerged in the colonies as part of the imaginary relation to the real condition of inhabiting Australian space, as an element in what we might call the colonial imaginary. It was never programmatically imposed to serve hegemonic interests; to the contrary, it served no interest at all. Its emergence can be compared to the formation of a national accent, in that both are more or less apparent but quite unintended and uncontrolled consequences of establishing a new society. Perhaps, in the context of our conference topic, this idea might be imagined as the shadow of the fear of meaninglessness, stretching itself across colonial attempts to make newly claimed spaces, and lives in those spaces, meaningful.' (Author's abstract p. 71)
Approximating the World : Women, 'Civilisation' and Colonial Melbourne Rowena Mohr , 2000 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australian Writing and the City : Refereed Proceedings of the 1999 Conference Held at the New South Wales Writers' Centre Sydney 2-6 July 1999 2000; (p. 31-37)
y separately published work icon Too Far Everywhere : The Romantic Heroine in Nineteenth-Century Australia Fiona Giles , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1998 Z440299 1998 multi chapter work criticism
The Postcolonial Belly Laugh : Appetite and Its Suppression Dorothy Jones , 1992 single work criticism
— Appears in: Social Semiotics , vol. 2 no. 2 1992; (p. 21-39) A Kingdom and a Place of Exile : Critical Essays on Postcolonial Women's Writing 2010; (p. 70-81)
Untitled 1891-1890 single work review
— Appears in: The New York Times , 30 August 1891; (p. 19)

— Review of The Three Miss Kings Ada Cambridge , 1883 single work novel
Publications Received 1899 single work review
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 24 June 1899; (p. 1162)

— Review of Ridan the Devil and Other Stories Louis Becke , 1899 selected work short story ; By Creek and Gully : Stories and Sketches Mostly of Bush Life, Told in Prose and Rhyme, by Australian Writers in England 1899 anthology poetry short story ; The Three Miss Kings Ada Cambridge , 1883 single work novel ; Songs and Verses G. J. Whyte-Melville , 1899 selected work poetry ; Not All in Vain : A Novel Mrs Cross , 1890 single work novel

Reviews several publications with varying opinions regarding their merits.

Publications Received 1899 single work review
— Appears in: The Queenslander , 24 June 1899; (p. 1163)

— Review of The Three Miss Kings Ada Cambridge , 1883 single work novel
The reviewer writes that this is second in the trio of Ada Cambridge's best books.
The Three Miss Kings Mary Gaunt , 1891 single work review
— Appears in: The Australasian Critic , 1 September vol. 1 no. 12 1891; (p. 276-277)

— Review of The Three Miss Kings Ada Cambridge , 1883 single work novel
[Review] The Three Miss Kings [et al] Sue Roff , 1987 single work review
— Appears in: Antipodes , November vol. 1 no. 2 1987; (p. 122-123)

— Review of The Three Miss Kings Ada Cambridge , 1883 single work novel ; Day of My Delight : An Anglo-Australian Memoir Martin Boyd , 1965 single work autobiography ; I'm Dying Laughing : The Humourist Christina Stead , 1986 single work novel
Early Women Writers of Victoria Georgia Rivers , 1934 single work criticism
— Appears in: Centenary Gift Book 1934; (p. 93-94)
The Postcolonial Belly Laugh : Appetite and Its Suppression Dorothy Jones , 1992 single work criticism
— Appears in: Social Semiotics , vol. 2 no. 2 1992; (p. 21-39) A Kingdom and a Place of Exile : Critical Essays on Postcolonial Women's Writing 2010; (p. 70-81)
The Accommodation of Ada Cambridge Greg Manning , 2007 single work criticism
— Appears in: Australia : Making Space Meaningful 2007; (p. 71-79)
'The reading of Ada Cambridge's fiction described in this paper is part of a pursuit of an undercurrent in Australian self-representations of what I can perhaps best describe as a strain of ontological doubt - doubt not about what it means to be Australian so much as about what it might mean, in Australia, to be. As is to be expected, intimations of this uncertainty - not quite an idea, nor yet an emotion, nor a self-consistent state - emerge first in colonial writings, often around the figure of disappearance, or of being invisible. They concern the intersubjective European response to Australian space, the sense that to live in the antipodes was not merely to live, in the world's terms, an eclipsed and therefore insignificant life - that much was obvious - but was to be silent, invisible, not to signify: semiotically speaking, to cease to be. One associative consequence of this sense is the thought that antipodean space is itself liminal, para-real, otherworldly. Such an imaginary landscape is of course both constructed by and significantly constructive of any sense of being-yet-not-being in the world. The doubt of which I speak is ideological only in the sense that it emerged in the colonies as part of the imaginary relation to the real condition of inhabiting Australian space, as an element in what we might call the colonial imaginary. It was never programmatically imposed to serve hegemonic interests; to the contrary, it served no interest at all. Its emergence can be compared to the formation of a national accent, in that both are more or less apparent but quite unintended and uncontrolled consequences of establishing a new society. Perhaps, in the context of our conference topic, this idea might be imagined as the shadow of the fear of meaninglessness, stretching itself across colonial attempts to make newly claimed spaces, and lives in those spaces, meaningful.' (Author's abstract p. 71)
From Mode to Genre: Australian Colonial Women's Romance Margaret Bradstock , 1992 single work criticism
— Appears in: Southerly , December vol. 52 no. 4 1992; (p. 54-67)
y separately published work icon Too Far Everywhere : The Romantic Heroine in Nineteenth-Century Australia Fiona Giles , St Lucia : University of Queensland Press , 1998 Z440299 1998 multi chapter work criticism
Last amended 28 Feb 2025 11:29:45
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    United Kingdom (UK),
    Western Europe, Europe,
  • Melbourne, Victoria,
  • Bush,
  • 1880s
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