y separately published work icon بسبب غيمةٍ على الأرجح selected work   poetry  
Bisabab ghayma 'alal arjah; Bisababi ghaymatin 'alal arjah
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... 1992 بسبب غيمةٍ على الأرجح
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Language: Arabic
Alternative title: A Secret Sky
    • Charnwood, Belconnen area, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,: Ginninderra Press , 1997 .
      Extent: 48p.
      Description: illus.
      • Transcreated from the Arabic by Anne Fairbairn.
      • Translator's note: I have transcreated Wadih Sa'adeh's poems into English. I prefer to use the word transcreate instead of translate because I consider there must be a certain degree of re-creation when endeavouring to make a poem work as a poem in another language [...] I worked closely with Wadih on the final version of his poems in order to ensure that my act of transcreation remained as faithful as possible to the meaning conveyed by his original poems in Arabic.
      ISBN: 1876259183