The Palawa people are one of two groups who are descendants of the Tasmanian Aboriginal people. The Palawa people are the descendants of the Aborigines taken to the islands in Bass Strait in 1835, after becoming the wives of European sealers. The other group known as Lia Pootah are the descendants of the Aborigines who remained on mainland Tasmania as servants and those who managed to remain in small tribal groups.
Source: McFarlane, I. Beyond Awakening: The Aboriginal tribes of North West Tasmania. Fullers Bookshop, 2008.
Flood, J. The Original Australian of Aboriginal People. Allen and Unwin, 2006.
Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing
Louisa Anne Meredith (nee Tawmley, 1812-1895) was an artist, poet, novelist and travel writer. Her Tasmanian Friends and Foes Feathered, Furred and Finned is an account of the fauna of Tasmania, featuring autobiographical anecdotes from her family's daily life. Each chapter opens withan epigraph, and the voice shifts from first to third person, but with a conversational tone. Many sections are accounts of day trips around Tasmania, and family gossip. The book was elaborately illustrated with coloured plates and black and white sketches of Tasmanian wildlife and flora. This is one of Meredith's later books, and the second edition was published following her husband Charles Meredith's death in 1880. She also wrote Notes and Sketches of New South Wales, During a Residence in that Colony from 1839 to 1844 (1844), My Home in Tasmania, during a Residence of Nine Years (1852) and Travels and Stories in our Gold Colonies (1865).