Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Counterbalancing Light : Essays on the Poetry of Les Murray
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* Contents derived from the Armidale, Armidale area, New England, New South Wales,:Kardoorair Press , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Instrumenti"Who reads poetry? Not our intellectuals:", Les Murray , single work poetry (p. 0)
Les Murray's Critique of the Enlightment, Bert Almon , single work criticism (p. 1-19)
"In Our Bodies": Les Murray's Incarnate History, Nicholas Birns , single work criticism (p. 20-36)
The Emergent Self in Les Murray's Poetry, Michael Cotter , single work criticism (p. 37-53)
Les Murray's "Presence Sequence", Robert Crawford , single work criticism (p. 54-68)
Big Man's Music: Les Murray's Metric, Douglas Dunn , single work criticism (p. 69-91)
Les Murray and the Tradition of the Emblem Poem, Rodney Stenning Edgecombe , single work criticism (p. 92-107)
Romanticism's 'Cultural' and 'Literal Bombs' in 'Our Luggage', Carmel Gaffney , single work criticism (p. 108-122)
Subhuman Redneck Politics, Jamie Grant , single work criticism (p. 123-136)
Gravity and Grace: Towards a Meta-Physics of Embodiment in the Poetry of Les Murray, Martin Leer , single work criticism (p. 137-158)
`Performative Kinship' in the Language of Les Murray, Rod Mengham , single work criticism (p. 159-169)
Irony, Identity and Les Murray's Poetic Voices, Penelope Nelson , single work criticism (p. 170-183)