Help! Rappaport's come to town!
Five years of absolute silence, and suddenly here he is, in London, come to see Friedlander, his oldest and closest friend.
Rappaport and Friedlander! Friedy and Rap! R and F! Was there ever such a friendship, such togetherness, such a warmth (and nothing homosexual, close your dirty mouth) between two men? Always at the movies together, or gorging in restaurants, or out madly chasing knock-kneed girls -- what a combination! Inseparable! Practically Siamese Twins!
But wait a minute, is this the old Rappaport? Good God, he's balding, he's making unspeakable noises, he's running up huge telephone bills. He's upsetting Kerry, Friedlander's beautiful wife. He's waking the baby. He's filling Friedlander's flat with... smelly old junk! And he's not interested in going to the movies.
"Help!" cries Friedlander.
What's happened to the greatest friendship known to man? This can't be the real Rappaport. Or is it (God forbid) Friedlander who has changed?
And what exactly is Rappaport's revenge?
Morris Lurie writes with a light and unerring touch. The fate of R and F's undying friendship makes not only a wild comic novel but a touching and perceptive comment on the frailties and fallibilities of human relationships.