Cecilia White Cecilia White i(A98653 works by)
Born: Established: Sydney, New South Wales, ;
Gender: Female
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Cecilia White is a Sydney born poet and artist working towards her doctorate at the College of Fine Art, UNSW (2012). She is the creator and director of the interdisciplinary 'breathing space' projects. White is the winner of the International Cricket Poetry Prize (2011), In the Detail (2010) and Shoalhaven Poetry Postcard Prize (2006). She was shortlisted for the Sylt Writer in Residence Award (Germany). White's poetry has been podcast by 3RRR and her art works and performances have been exhibited in Europe, the UK and Australia.

Most Referenced Works

Awards for Works

Boxing Day Test i "twelfth man leaves the field and we tumble back to our places", 2010 single work poetry
— Appears in: Five Bells , Summer/Autumn vol. 17 no. 1/2 2010; (p. 82) Notes for the Translators : From 142 New Zealand and Australian Poets 2012; (p. 428-431)
2011 winner Cricket Poetry Award
Last amended 26 Jun 2012 12:19:00
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