The story begins in the 'Wolf's Lair' at Spider Web Valley, where the Wolf and his accomplice, Fox the Lawyer hatch their evil plan. The action then moves to the 'Happy Village of Maypole' where characters such as the Dame (Principal of the school) and Little Red Riding Hood are introduced. After wandering in the woods Red falls asleep only to be captured by the Wolf. Little Boy Blue later mounts a rescue which leads to a duel to the death. The final scene, described as a "genuine pantomime feature" saw the inclusion of a Dolls Quadrille, 'in which dolls of every height and shape, from giants to the veriest dwarfs, solemnly descended a grand staircase at the back of the stage, and amidst shrieks of laughter joined in the dance.'
The narrative (at least in the 1893 Melbourne production) is said to have contained numerous references to topical issues, in addition to a burlesque of I Pagliacci. The Melbourne version, which was advertised using the alternative title) also included a procession of sporting representatives (lady jockeys, footballers, cricketers, sailors, fishermen, billiardists, golfers, bicyclists etc), which does not appear to have been presented for Sydney audiences.
[Source: Australian Variety Theatre Archive]