Spiro Economopoulos Spiro Economopoulos i(A94767 works by)
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y separately published work icon Non Parlo de Salo 2005 Hobart : Australian Script Centre , 2006 Z1261479 2005 single work drama 'Pier Paolo Pasolini is credited with having the most radical and prophetic voice of the past century. He was murdered in Italy under suspicious circumstances in 1975. His final film Salo was an apocalyptic reworking of de Sade's The 120 days of Sodom, set in the dying moments of the fascist dictatorship in Italy. Banned and re-banned in Australia over the last 25 years, "Non Parlo di Salo" resurrects the murdered filmmaker in order for him to direct an argument about censorship, aesthetics and contemporary culture.' (Melbourne Workers' Theatre website, http://www.melbourneworkerstheatre.com/past.html)
2006 shortlisted New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Nick Enright Prize for Playwriting
Last amended 18 Apr 2006 14:31:09
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